A welcoming kollel dedicated to growth through learning
Our vibrant, energetic Torah atmosphere attracts a beautifully diverse membership. From shiurim in Chumash and mussar, to advanced Gemara learning, anyone looking for Torah growth or connection will find it at BRK.
Our Leadership
Our Kollel is led by Rabbi Nachman Luban and Rabbi Dovid May, who bring dedication and warmth to our community. Rabbi Luban, a distinguished talmid chacham, is known for his deep Torah learning and insightful shiurim, helping yungeleit grow in their knowledge and commitment. Rabbi May, with his friendly approach to community engagement and kiruv, creates a welcoming atmosphere and a strong sense of achdus. Together, they make our Kollel a special place where Torah learning and personal growth thrive.

Our daily minyanim
Our Kollel hosts daily minyanim, providing a meaningful and uplifting davening experience for all. With multiple minyanim throughout the day, including early morning, afternoon, and late evening, our schedule accommodates everyone. Join us for a warm and spiritually enriching tefillah.
Our Daily Schedule
Our daily shiurim cover a range of topics, catering to everyone from beginners to advanced learners. We offer one-on-one chavrusas, group learning sessions, and lectures from guest Rabbanim and speakers. We also have programs for teens, women, and young professionals, making sure everyone in the community has a place to grow in their avodas Hashem. Our diverse programs create a lively and supportive environment.